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Aliquam tristique eget ligula in sollicitudin. Integer posuere quam id justo cursus, id convallis nisi ultricies. Sed efficitur nibh nec nulla tristique finibus. In pulvinar mattis nisl, a venenatis neque vestibulum id. Morbi efficitur auctor est, ac consequat est viverra laoreet. Sed dapibus odio eu porta faucibus. Ut elit turpis, mattis euismod luctus eget, bibendum vel libero. Maecenas interdum sollicitudin luctus. Sed aliquet non neque eget hendrerit. In posuere quam eu lacus suscipit, vel aliquet nunc accumsan.

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STEM’s Role in Shaping Africa’s Future Economy”

If you missed Dr. Fin’s appearance on Channel TV? Here’s a comprehensive recap of his talk on the role of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) in Africa’s economic future.

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