Why is Prototyping an Important Step in Product Design

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When designing a product for a client, designers tend to follow few steps which will help them to bring the client’s vision to life. One of these steps is prototyping which means creating a prototype. 

A prototype is an early sample or a mock-up of a product used to test the client’s concept or idea. Designers are advised to release prototypes at each level they complete before the final product is released. This is to test the product’s functionality and to ensure its goals are met. 

Prototyping comes into play when dealing with clients who are unable to explain the ideas they have properly. Designers use the objectives given to them by the client to try to visualize the concept they have.

Prototyping itself goes through a few processes. When a prototype is created, it is given to the client to be reviewed. If it meets all objectives and is deemed acceptable to the client, the designer can begin designing the final product. 

However, if the prototype does not meet the client’s objective and is rejected, the designer redesigns it before resubmitting it for review. The process of redesigning and resubmitting prototypes till it meets the approval of the client is called iteration. Iteration helps to ensure that the final product meets the expectation of the client.

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Importance of Prototyping

There are numerous reasons for creating prototypes besides the aforementioned. The most common reasons for going through this step are:

  1. ​It helps designers test the feasibility of the client’s idea
  2. It is used to ensure all requirements are passed before the final product is released.
Designers use it to know where and how to improve the design. It is a good way to involve the client in the design process.


When carrying out a product design job, designers face multiple challenges that could hinder or slow down the design process. Prototyping is an important step in product design because it helps create a good work relationship between the designer and the client. It also ensures that the product meets all requirements and helps increase the speed at which the final product is designed.

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